Friday, March 25, 2022

Books about God “Our Maker”


Now and then I find an excellent book and want all in a series! Usually, it’s because I think the theology is exactly what I believe folks need to hear. That's what happened upon discovering the 1st book below. I did a little research and discovered it is in the God Our Maker trilogy. Unfortunately, 1 of the books is rare and expensive (the 3rd book listed here). I asked my librarian friend to see if he could order it. He did! So now all 3 are in our library system for families, churches, and church schools to use all over our county. If you don't have a relationship with a librarian, please begin making one. They know so much and want to help! 

These little books are so good, I feel compelled to tell you about them so that the few copies that are out there get in the hands of those who will use them for their intended purposes: To tell the world of God’s delight and love in the making of  our beautiful, diverse, and changing world. Look in your library for these. If you don’t find them, make a request or purchase them for your local or church library.

All non-cover images here are from this book.

Author of all 3 Books: Gary Bower

Picture Book Title: God Paints the World

Illustrator:  Tracy Cottingham                 

Summary: This book teaches colors, but it does much more than that! It emphasizes with a positive refrain that God, our maker, creates (paints) a colorful world! 

Picture Book Title: God Grows Our World

Illustrator: Elissambura

Summary: Here a changing world is the focus. Thanks to God, our maker, seeds become trees, flowers bud, grass grows, fruit vines flourish, and other crops become luscious, full-grown yumminess! Next it moves to non-plants like caterpillars and kittens. The last point is that human parents plant important seeds that God knows how to grow in us.          

Picture Book Title: God Loves the World

Illustrator: Tracy Cottingham

Summary: I so wish this book was more available! Here Gary Bower explains that every person, everywhere has the same maker. All, no matter shape, size, age, language, or special need are made and loved by God. The last idea is about variety in behavior: Some like finding ways to bless. One receives, another shares. All are dear to God. All need God's loving touch.  

Hanna’s Comments: The messages in these 3 books are foundational to young children. They need to hear that God, the creator of the world, loves them and every person, everywhere. They need to be taught that the beautiful diversity in our non-human world is a message of how very much God loves the beautiful diversity in the human world too! 

Original Publisher: WorthyKids/Ideals, 2017 & 2018

Age Appropriateness: Toddler & Up

Formats other than Book: None at  present

Scripture Connections: Any scripture about God's love and/or the beauty of God's creation will connect to the ideas in these books. Certainly, the creation story connects here, but also many other verses from the Old Testament, for instance: God has made all things beautiful in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3: 11). In the New Testament, you'll find verses like these: We are God's handiwork... (Ephesians 2:10)

PBT Applications: Read this little books to a child/grandchild, a small group of children in a church preschool or in a Sunday School nursery. The lesson is in these beautiful pages so simply repeat the statements about God's love and loved creation.


I have many PBT posts about books for young children. The easiest way to access those are to click on the search label at the bottom of your screen (web version is required - so click on this choice first if on your phone). The search label you want to click on is "Young Children" so it will be at the bottom of that list.

One of the most valuable series I've done I  call 12 Theological Statements for Young Children. This PBT series teaches how to insert 1 simple statement into the reading of a secular book. Suddenly, a secular reading experience is transformed into something obviously sacred! I feature many secular books for young children in that series of 12 posts (1 post per statement). Start HERE for the first post in that series or type into the search box in the upper right hand corner this word: theological. I hope you like what you find! If so, tell me in a comment.

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