Monday, August 28, 2017

PBT Redux #12 Flood

The effects of Hurricane Harvey have people in Texas and Louisiana once again ravaged and afraid, particularly those who are most vulnerable. Today I’ve chosen a book that visually represents the terror and heartbreak of flooding. Why would such a book be read in ministry? It is in our families of faith that we consider the hardest questions and heartbreaks and where we can be motivated to help those who are suffering. Picture books are tools to gently bring such hard matters to the surface so that relevant and meaningful faith conversations can happen. The book below is both beautiful and terrible, but it is not graphic. Consider reading it to elementary children, teens, or adults to explore the effects of flooding or other tragedies and bring about further healing or informed service.
Picture Book: Flood
Illustrator: Alvaro F. Villa
Summary: A family, who lives near a small river, receives flood warnings. With the help of neighbors, they place sandbags around their house, gather some things, escape to a hotel, and hope for the best. But the waters rush into their home anyway. All pitch in to clean and rebuild, and eventually their home is restored.
Hanna’s Comments: I wouldn’t ordinarily recommend a wordless book for use with a group, but this book is stunning and directly relates to scriptures shared by the 3 Abrahamic faiths. Because it is a wordless book, you may want to have several copies of the book. Don't be afraid to have your audience just look at the book in silence for a moment as you turn each page. Also, it is imperative that you do a good job describing the illustrations as you direct their eyes to particular aspects of the story. Encourage discussion that relates directly to their experiences or the experiences of those they love. You could also explore broader subjects such as natural disasters or family tragedies and connect those comments to your beliefs and faith values.
Original Publisher & Date: Picture Window Books, 2013
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 6 and up, 1st and up
Formats other than Book: Tablet
Scripture Connections: Noah and the Flood (Genesis 7 & 8); the flood sweeps over me (Psalm 69:1-3)
Idea(s) for Application: Use this book in a lesson about the flood in Genesis. If your area suffers from a flood, read this to a serve team and consider how your ministry might respond.

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