Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Picture Book a Day for a Year: Day 54

Picture Book: Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

Author & Illustrator: William Steig

Summary: Sylvester, a pebble-collecting donkey, feels lucky to find a magic pebble that makes wishes come true, but fear of a nearby lion leads Sylvester to wish to be a rock. When his wish comes true, he is stuck and mute. Sylvester’s parents begin a frantic search to find their beloved son. As time passes, all three become hopeless and sad. Once spring comes, Sylvester’s parents go on a picnic to cheer up. When his mother sits on him, Sylvester is awakened. She spies the magic pebble, picks it up and places it on the rock. Suddenly Sylvester’s desperate wish to be himself again transforms him to into a donkey. The family is joyfully reunited.

Hanna’s Comments: This is a powerful story of familial love, absence, and struggle. The story can be easily re-framed as a demonstration of fervent prayer and even miracles.
Publisher & Date of Publication: Simon & Schuster, 1969 

Age and Grade Appropriateness: 3 and up, Pre and up 

# of Pages: 32 

Available in Spanish? Yes, there is a video in Spanish also the collection listed below. 

Formats other than Book: Audible, Audio cassette, CD, video in Strega Nona & More Stories about Magic 

PBT Category: Classic

PBT Topics this Book Connects with: family, found, hiding/isolation/separation/walls, lost, miracles, parents/parental love, prayer, rocks/stones, wishes

Scripture Connections: Ask and it shall be given (Luke 11:9)

Idea(s) for Application: part of a lesson on how prayer comes from faith and instills hope

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