Monday, August 23, 2021

Be Still... & Other Favorite Scriptures


Picture Book: Be Still

Author: Kathryn O’Brien

Illustrator: Gillian Flint

Summary: Designed to help a child memorize Psalm 46:10, this book reveals the words of this beloved scripture 1 word per double page spread. 

After each word is revealed, the concept is built like this:

Be kind. Be silly! Be a friend. Be yourself.

In the images, young children are enjoying being mindful of God’s presence and the beauty of God’s creation. Here are the next 2 images so you can see how the pages reveal the scripture and build the meaning:

Shhhh. Slow down. 

Take a breath. 

No hurrying or scurrying or worrying. 

No wanting or whining. 

No fussing. No rushing.

Safe and still.

Don’t let this limited purpose distract you from seeing other obvious applications beyond memorization! Because each word is explored in the pages, each page can be discussed. There is a note at the beginning of the book urging parents to teach scripture to their children. This can be a very meaningful practice, but exploring what memorized scripture means is crucial so that it grows in meaning with age and experience. This book and others in the series (see my comments below) offer opportunities for meaningful prayer which is what the children are doing on these pages! They are oriented to and communicating with God. 

Hanna’s Comments: This PBT post is really about 3 books in a series. They are all structured as described above. Confusingly, the books seem to be in 2 named series: Sit for a Bit or My First Bible Memory Book.

The other 2 books in the series are…

    I Canhighlighting Philippians 4:13

I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.


    Give Thanks – highlighting Psalm 136:1

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.

Hopefully, other books based on other important and easy to memorize scriptures will be added.

Original Publisher: Tyndale, 2016

Age Appropriateness: Preschool & up

Formats other than Book: None at present

Scripture Connections: See above. Each of the 3 books mentioned are focused on a particular scripture. More may be published!

Connections to The Revised Common Lectionary: I have recommended each of these 3 books in my Trinity Treasures curriculum for preschoolers based on the the RCL. 

PBT Applications: Read these books to preschoolers or elementary-aged children.

For Be Still, have them experience a Christian-based mindfulness practice, while focusing on their breath and God's presence.

For I Can, have them watch a superhero movie together. Talk about how God is the source of your strength and give examples of when you relied on God’s strength to be resilient. Invite your children to do the same. End with talking about the importance of learning scripture as a way to gain strength and perseverance.

For Give Thanks, have them go outside and secretly draw 1 aspect of creation that they are thankful for. Then have them come inside to play a game of charades so others can guess what they have drawn. To end, together create a litany of thanks or a collage of gratitude

If you are interested in learning about Trinity Treasures, a scripture-based preschool Sunday school curriculum that features picture books & children’s Bibles, contact me at Right now, free lessons are emailed if you fill out the monthly feedback form.

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