Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Another New God Book!

Sorry for the delay in posting, folks. I have been sick. It’s great to feel healthy again and ready to share a story! Here is another wonderful book about the nature and gifts of God, what I call here at PBT a God book.
Picture Book: When God Gave Us Words
Author: Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Illustrator: Darcy Day Zoells
Summary: This is a wisdom tale about all sorts of human words. God believes humans will "make something beautiful with words,"
but the angels (represented in glorious geometric form) are not so sure and just might be jealous. They deliver the words, all sorts of words - long (leading to dictionaries) silly (gibberish is mentioned), hard to spell (here comes spelling lists!). Then God and the angels listen. Even when the angels thought there were enough words (we humans do go on!), God wanted more words. Then the humans started distorting and dirtying words. Gossip, curses, and threats were heard. God was about to take all the words back, but humans began to get creative. They found music and rhythm. 
Dance and poetry and jokes and stories and prayers began to enchant God, and even the angels, so the words remained. Our world is all the better for those many, many words.
Hanna’s Comments: I’m a big fan of this author. You might want to check out her fabulous conversation with Krista Tippett on the On Being podcast (my favorite podcast!). It’s an old but relevant conversation The Spirituality of Parenting. Listening to this wisdom would benefit any church leader. I’ve featured several of her books at PBT. Check out a classic [here] and 2 new books by this same amazing publisher [here] and [here]. Or you can simply type in "Sasso" in the search box at the top right.
Original Publisher & Date: Flyaway Books, 2018
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 4 and up, Pre and up
Formats other than Book: None at present
Scripture Connections: Let the words of my mouth… (Psalm 19:14); For by your words you will be justified… (Matthew 12:37); [Let come from your mouths] only such [words] as is good for building up… (Ephesians 4:29); Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God through him. (Colossians 3:17)
Idea(s) for Application: Read this book to a group of tweens or teens. Then celebrate and explore the power (blessings, deceptions, beauty, damage, curses...) of human language. Then expand your conversation to include the languages of non-humans on earth as well. They will love it!

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